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Memilih Makanan Rendah Kolesterol

Written By Bersemangat on Jumat, 01 Juli 2011 | 22.19

Many people complain, how difficult it was to control blood cholesterol. They have a strict diet, do not eat beef, lamb, chicken, offal and eggs, and ate only vegetables and fruits only. But why cholesterol does not go down too? Is there anything wrong with their bodies?

Cholesterol should always be controlled at all times. Total cholesterol should be approximately close to 200 milligram percent (mg% written next, Red.). Usually blood cholesterol levels between women and men actually not much different, both total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (low density lipoprotein cholesterol = bad). However, HDL cholesterol level (hight density lipoprotein = good) cholesterol tended to be higher in women compared with men.

Normal HDL in women is 55 mg% and HDL 45 mg% in men. With proper diet and regular exercise, the target is actually not too difficult to achieve.

Only in certain people, with a strict diet and regular exercise though, is not enough. Cholesterol levels in blood remained high, before taking the drugs the doctor. Genetic factors often cause the reduction of cholesterol is not very satisfying.

This factor is partly due to the nature of hypercholesterolemia, ie people who have average cholesterol levels high enough, between 200-350 mg%. But those who suffer from hypercholesterolemia in a diet and exercise should be under the supervision of a physician. Hypercholesterolemia does require more aggressive treatment.

What is actually the highest cholesterol levels are allowed? And if cholesterol levels that exceed the highest level, what's the impact? Consensus about the cholesterol that have been asked by the United States Department of Health is, if the cholesterol levels between 200-240 mg%, they have the risk of coronary heart disease threat to two times greater than if the cholesterol levels of 300 mg%.

For that blood cholesterol levels should be controlled at all times, both in people who suffer from hypercholesterolemia or not. Because prevention is better than treatment.

Environmental Factors
Environmental factors that play a huge role on blood cholesterol is diet, and blood cholesterol is very influential on the formation of atherosclerosis (deposits of fatty substances in and under the inner lining of the artery wall).

The results of epidemiological studies have shown, the wrong diet can accelerate atherosclerosis. While proper diet, but can delay the process of calcification, can attenuate calcification had occurred. So, eating is not just mean what you liked or disliked, but how we choose something meaningful for the body.

For example Finns who like beef and pork roll to warm the winter. They rarely eat nuts and seeds. As a result, they are more likely to suffer coronary calcification.

Unlike the Italians who prefer soy, like roasted corn and peanuts; average of their blood cholesterol levels lower than the Finns.

Consumption of cholesterol a day is ideal, there is actually no definite limits. Only a nutritionist from Cipto Mangunkusumo suggested, should not consume more than 300 mg cholesterol per day.

It required considerable knowledge of content of various types of foods that contain high cholesterol. Given the cholesterol in the blood is also affected by the fat intake in the diet, especially the type of saturated fatty acids, fatty acid content is also noteworthy.

Back to Traditional
Tips for choosing foods low in cholesterol is to limit the source animal. Expand the food of vegetable origin. In addition contain no cholesterol, vegetable sources also contain an active ingredient non-nutrients that can lower cholesterol levels. For example isoflafon of grains, pectin from fruits and vegetables, and fiber from whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Surely the point is not suggesting abstinence at all animal food sources, but must limit and choose. Meat should be a smooth fiber, such as chicken meat. If you want to eat beef, choose lean. Avoid brain and viscera. Choose fish that are relatively low-cholesterol, compared to shellfish.

Fast food (fast food) of any kind, should be reduced or restricted. These foods generally contain high cholesterol. As a guideline, it can be seen the results of the analysis of a variety of fast food from Australia.

A piece of chocolate cake contains 100 mg of cholesterol. Burger kind of combination of egg and cheese each serving contains 110 mg of cholesterol. Steak from the kind of chuck steak, rib steak, round steak, rump steak to contain an average of 100 to 200 mg of cholesterol per serving. Foods that contain cheese, any kind, such as cheese pizza, cheese burgers, cheese omelets, cholesterol varies between 100 to 200 mg per serving.

Indonesia's traditional menu are usually consumed daily, on average, contain less cholesterol. For example rice with tempeh, meat, vegetables, fruits and green beans contain only cholesterol by 70 mg. Fried rice with an omelet containing about 50 mg of cholesterol (derived from eggs).

If dinner with rice, vegetable nodes spinach, red beans, with a side dish tofu, tempeh and salted fish or fried fish, contains only 20 mg cholesterol. Obviously, maintaining the traditional menu is very limiting cholesterol intake
22.19 | 0 komentar | Read More

Processed Foods Increase Risk of Depression

A diet high consumption of processed foods increase risk of depression. Conversely, a diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits, and fish have a much smaller risk of depression.

Thus the results of research at University College London. Data on diet were obtained from 3,500 middle-aged civil servants are then compared with the signs of depression five years later.

The study was published in the British Journal of Psychiatry. The researchers divided the participants into two types of diets, namely those using food-based dietary patterns varied with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and fish.

Another group is people who primarily eat foods such as sweets, fried foods, processed meats, refines grains, and dairy products high in fat.

After taking into account factors of gender, age, education, physical activity, smoking habits, and chronic disease, they found significant differences in the risk of depression in the future between the two diets were different.

Those with a diet based on a variety of foods 26 percent lower risk of suffering from depression in the future. Conversely, people with a diet high in processed foods had 58 percent higher risk of depression.

One researcher, Dr. Archana Singh-Manoux, revealed through the research they want to see from a different point of view the relationship between diet and mental health. Still not completely clear why some foods may prevent or otherwise increase the risk of depression. Presumably it is related to body inflammation and heart disease.
22.17 | 0 komentar | Read More

Four Types of Foods Arguably

Anyone would agree that food or beverages such as fish, dairy products, soy and wine contain nutrients that are good for health. Many research and studies often associate these types of foods with benefits, especially with the risk of developing a particular disease such as heart disease, cancer or other health problems.

But not forever studies of four types of food are always attained positive results. There are times when a study showed positive results, and not infrequently reveal less significant or negative results. Here are four types of food that often invite experts in this debate menfaatnya for your body. One day this could be a healthy food for health, but on other days there is a claim to influence is not too big for your medical condition.

Old news: According to a major study, the habit of eating fish several times a week can help lower the risk of heart disease - ie more than about 30 percent.

New news: It has been widely reported that not a fish that makes sense, but rather the pattern of eating a whole fish-eaters that encourages heart health. A research published in the American Journal of Cardiology, stating this.

The reality: the latest study does not deny other research that supports that omega-3 fatty acids in fish may lower risk of heart disease, said Nieca Goldberg, MD, author of The Women's Healthy Heart Program. Omega-3 can also improve your mood and improve brain development in infants. Goldberg himself recommends eating two to three servings of fish each week (but not more than two times a week if you are pregnant) in order to obtain benefits.

Old news: Consuming dairy products can help you lose weight. Differentiation of dairy products is small, but significant - you can reduce levels of body fat to 5 percent through a diet of milk products, according to a study conducted by experts from the University of Tennessee.

The new news: Dairy products do not cause any impact on weight loss at all, according to latest research results. This discovery has made the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) - a nonprofit organization that promotes ethical and effective research - ask the Federal Trade Commission to stop the two ads promoting the benefits of milk for weight-loss program.

The reality: This debate has been stuck in political interest: The study, conducted at the University of Tennessee indsutri funded by dairy products, and PCRM has fairly extreme views on nutrition and advocate a vegan diet (which certainly does not include milk). However, experts have known that calcium can raise levels of kalsitrol, like hormones that cause your body to store fat in small amounts, and the impact will become apparent when the calcium obtained from foods rather than supplements. "You have to keep an eye on calorie intake," says Jill Fullerton-Smith, author of The Truth About Food. "But I need the calcium, and if the product susus may also help reduce the extra fat, I will continue to eat low-fat yogurt while we examine it through science."

Old news: Keep eating habits of red wine because it can help prevent heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's. The content of the magic of anthocyanins - antioxidants found in grape skins used in making red wine - may prevent cell damage cause heart problems.

The new news: White wine may be just as healthy for the heart as red wine. Meat wine - used in the manufacture of red and white wine - contain antioxidants that are as strong as in the skin of grapes, according to latest research results

The reality: Future research on this matter needs to be done because according to Goldberg this research still seems to be assuming. Interestingly, other studies have revealed that beer and liquor also have the same benefits for health. This indicates that alcohol may be the one who makes the body more healthy. However, do not make it as an excuse to eat excessively. One or two alcoholic drinks per day may be healthful; but more than that can cause dapak bad for your body.

Old news: Soy is a wonderful food or superfood. These foods can help lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, and others. Soy was first under the spotlight when researchers connect with low instances of heart disease among Asians who enjoy a diet rich in soy. Increasingly known in the U.S. soybean pada1999 when the FDA allowed food labels to include the claim that 25 grams of soy protein may reduce the risk of developing heart disease.

The new news: Soy is only a small impact for cardiovascular health, cancer, or reproductive health, according to results of a review of the 200 types of research

The reality: Soy foods are rich in calcium and protein and polyunsaturated fat (polyunsaturated) are good for the heart. But experts say that eating more soy will not significantly reduce your risk of disease - unless you choose soy foods rather than the other rich in saturated fats are unhealthy.
22.16 | 0 komentar | Read More

Stress? Avoid the sweet and fatty

Stress is a burden that afflicts our body and makes the body react in an emergency. We know of two types of stress. The first is physical stress, such as getting hit, vehicle collisions, exhausting working muscles and others. While the other is mental stress or pressure due to psychosis.

Whatever form of stress, both of which will stimulate the adrenal gland, which is one endocrine gland located attached to the top of both kidneys. Upon stimulation of this stress, the adrenal glands will release various types of hormones. Each hormone will have a special effect on metabolism, which is experiencing a state of emergency due to the stress load.

The first group of hormones that react to the various hormones known as the hormone group kortikostreroid class. Ie, the hormones produced by the cortex (outer part) of the adrenal gland. The hormones that belong to this group is cortisol, hydro-cortisone, prednisone, and so on.

While the other is a group of hormones epinephrine produced by the medulla (the center) of the adrenal gland. Included in this group is epinephrine.

On stress, in addition to an increase in the hormones of the adrenal glands, also an increase in the production of glucagon. That is a hormone produced by the alpha cells of pancreatic gland, which works to increase blood sugar levels.

Overcome Stress
Efforts to cope with stress is not easy, but try as much as possible to eliminate the cause. Or at least, can find a way out, so even though the root causes of stress is still there, but the negative impacts can be reduced. For example, by asking the help of a psychiatrist or a psychologist.

When the stress we face, including the first group, namely the stress that causes the reaction to hormones corticosteroids group, then the increase in appetite that occurs must be balanced with efforts to enforce proper eating habits.

Avoid the chance to eat if possible. Choose foods that are not too sweet, sugary and or made of refined flour, such as cakes and the like.

One type of food that should be avoided are foods made from flour made the dough, then fried or cooked with coconut milk as martabak, donuts, combro, risoles and so on. Avoid fried foods in general or any fatty foods / cooked with coconut milk.

Expand eat boiled vegetables, and fresh fruits. If 'forced' to party or eat in restaurants, wear antidote fat absorption. There is no downside if you ask the help of a physician nutrition specialist. Good luck
22.15 | 0 komentar | Read More

7 Procrastinator Aging Foods

Healthy life is one key to longevity. To live healthy, we of course need good nutrition and healthy too. Here are some nutritious foods that claim to stay young and stay healthy.

1. Olive oil
Four decades ago, researchers from the Seven Coutries Study concluded that the unsaturated fat with a single chain (monounsaturated) in olive oil are widely useful to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer in the Islands of Crete in Greece. Now the society also we know that olive oil contains folifenol, powerful antioxidants that may prevent age-related diseases.

2. Yogurt
In the 1970s, Soviet Georgia was rumored to have a population of average age of over 100 years more than other countries. Reports at the time claimed that the secret of longevity is yogurt.

Although the power of yogurt in extending the age has not been proved directly, yogurt is a calcium-rich foods can prevent osteoporosis. In addition, yogurt contains good bacteria that help maintain gut health and reduce risk of intestinal illness associated with age

3. Fish
Thirty years ago, researchers began to study why the native Alaska (Inuit) can be free of heart disease. The reason, according to estimates by experts, is the level of fish consumption is incredible. Fish is an abundant omega-3 fats, which help prevent cholesterol buildup in blood vessels and prevent abnormal heart rhythms.

4. Chocolate cocoa
Kuna communities in the San Blas Islands, Panama, have a lower risk of heart disease up to nine times in the appeal of other residents living in Panama. The reason? Kuna residents avidly drinking cocoa rich in flavanols, an antioxidant that may help facilitate the circulation of blood. Maintaining youthful blood vessels lowers risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and dementia.

5. Beans
Studies of Seventh-Day Adventists (a religious denomination that emphasizes healthy living and a vegetarian diet) show that people who eat nuts on average an extra two and a half years. Nuts are rich in unsaturated fats, so they offer benefits similar to olive oil. Nuts also contain a variety of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, including antioxidants.

6. Wine
Drinking alcohol in moderation protects against heart disease, diabetes and dementia. Many different types of alcoholic beverages that can bring benefits, but many studies that focus on red wine. Red wine contains resveratrol, a substance that is estimated to bring these benefits.

7. Blueberry
In a study published in 1999, researchers from the Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center gave blueberry extract in mice. Provision of these extracts are given for a period equivalent to the life of mice with 10 years of human life.

Rats fed this extract showed superiority than normal mice when testing balance and coordination when they reached old age. The content in blueberries (and other berries) could be expected to reduce inflammation (inflammatory) and is oxidative damage, which is associated with memory loss and motor ability during aging.
22.14 | 0 komentar | Read More

This is Why, Healthy Food Efficacious Drugs

According to a health magazine a site on the internet, the food we enjoy everyday can serve as a remedy to reduce or prevent disease. Among others:

    Headache? Eat fish. Fish oil helps prevent headaches. Similarly, ginger which reduces inflammation and pain.
    Insomnia (Can not sleep?) Honey! Use honey as a tranquilizer.
    Asthma? Eat onions. Onions relief channel interference in the throat.
    Gout? Also eat fish! Salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines can prevent arthritis.
    Stomach disorders? Banana, ginger! Bananas make a good stomach. Ginger will prevent morning sickness.
    Bladder infection? Drinking cranberry juice. High acid in cranberry juice can control destructive bacteria.
    Complaints bone? Eat pineapple! Bone fracture and osteoporosis can be prevented by the manganese contained in the pineapple.
    Memory disorders? Eating oysters. Oysters help improve mental functioning by supplying much needed zinc appropriate.
    Fever? Eat garlic. Garlic is able to alleviate a severe head due to fever.
    Coughing? Use the chili! Content of the same kind as found in cough syrup are also found in red peppers. Use red chili pepper with caution because it can make your stomach sick.
    Breast cancer? Wheat, bran and cabbage help maintain estrogen to levels sufficient for the healthy.
    Lung cancer? Eating vegetables, dark green and orange and red beans. Beta-carotene is commonly found in colored vegetables, dark green and orange is a powerful antidote to cancer.
    Diarrhea? Eat an apple. Grate an apple with the skin, let the color turn brown and eat it to cure diarrhea.
    High blood pressure? Minyal eat celery and olives. Olive oil has been proven to reduce blood pressure. Celery contains a substance that also lower the blood pressure.
    Blood sugar imbalance? Eating brikoli and nuts. Chromium in broccoli and peanuts helps regulate insulin and blood sugar.
22.12 | 0 komentar | Read More

Makanan pun Bisa Menyebabkan Penuaan

Perhaps you wonder why anyone who looks older than his age and some still look like a 20 year old even though he was already 25 years. A study conducted by researchers from Monash University, Australia, reveals why. According to them, the food we eat every day also was crucial to our success to maintain the condition of the skin to stay supple and healthy. In addition to causes of aging, many foods that make the skin more quickly become inflamed (inflammation) and skin cancer. Although the new studies are beginning, there's nothing wrong we started to look at the intake of food consumed.

Not only healthy, the following foods can also support your efforts to maintain the skin in top condition:

- Fat overall
- Unsaturated fat
- Olive oil
- Fish
- Fat milk and dairy products
- Eggs
- Nuts
- Green vegetables
- Wheat intact
- Fruits, especially those rich in antioxidants, such as apples, and give the family.
- Tea
- Water
- Foods containing zinc

Besides cigarettes, do not let the skin visible because of rapidly aging often eat the following foods:
- Saturated fat
- Red meat
- Dairy products are rich in fat
- Soft drinks
- Cakes
- Potato
- Butter and margarine
22.11 | 0 komentar | Read More

disguise Aging

Want to look younger than actual age? Do not just rely on haircuts, through skin care and make up right you could turn back the age.

1. Use eye cream
With increasing age, the skin under the eyes becomes thinner and appear dark circles. Therefore, carefully clean the makeup around the eyes because the area is very sensitive. Select products eye makeup remover that does not make skin dry, then use a special anti-wrinkle cream for the eyes.

2. Note the neck area
Do not forget the area around the neck. In addition to cleaning, give also a moisturizer and sunscreen on this area. Why? Because the signs of aging will be very visible around the neck.

3. Hand care
Increasing age does require a more intensive skin care, including the hand. Always use a moisturizer and treat your hands with a manicure at a salon treatment at least once a week.

4. Moisten skin
Dryness of the skin can accelerate the onset of wrinkles. Therefore always use a moisturizer and drink enough water. So skin always looks fresh and chewy, do not forget to do the scrubbing to remove dead skin cells and encourages skin regeneration.

5. Pertebal eyebrows
Eyebrows that are preserved can make the appearance look younger in an instant. So, do not be lazy to paint the eyebrows so thick hair and eyebrows look neat.

6. Healthy and white teeth
Food and beverages will gradually make the change tooth color. Especially when you include coffee addict, tea, or cigarettes. Smile showing white teeth not only makes you look fresh and healthy, but also younger. You can choose different ways to whiten teeth, ranging from home care to the dentist.

7. Young through clothing
Age is not a reason to appear sober. Improve performance through the choice of clothing that has a slim silhouette and bright colors. Every now and then come up with fresh flowers skirt or bubble skirt shape nan sexy. Do not forget to wear accessories to give the 'color' in appearance.
22.10 | 0 komentar | Read More

Delay Aging Signs with Derma Genesis

Plural heard that free radicals, pollution, stress, etc., makes the skin is damaged. It turned out that not only external factors that can make the skin condition declined, internal factors also have an impact on the skin. One of them, the age factor.

With age, the ability of human skin cells to produce new skin cells are no longer as fast as a youngster. When the renewal of skin cells can no longer keep up with someone, then that started happening signs of aging. The changes you experience when it is the facial skin becomes dull, wrinkled, or the emergence of black spots. However, this can be postponed. You can still look young longer, really, as long as your skin is well cared for and appropriate.

Trying to answer this need, L'Oreal Paris launch his latest skin care products that claimed to be capable of treating up to the skin cells, the Derma Genesis. Andreas Pradhana, Group Product Manager of PT L'Oreal Indonesia in the launch of Derma Genesis (24 / 2) in Epicentrum, Jakarta, explained that content in this product has passed the test of research for 7 years and 3 patents. Derma Genesis contains two new active ingredients, Pro-Xylane ™ and Hyaluronic Acid, which each have a specific function in helping to regenerate skin.

Pro-Xylane ™ naturally optimize the growth of new skin cells by preventing free radicals and attract particles of water to moisten, then turn it into keratin (elasticity). While Hyaluronic Acid which is a vital component of the dermis to help hold the particles of water, moisturize, and keep the keratin in a new skin 1000 times its weight. Both help create a good habitat in the epidermal layer of skin to optimize regeneration and help get the glow of youthful skin. Both products are claimed to be created by a natural process and not through a chemical process. What distinguishes Derma Genesis of skin care products anti-aging are, it helps delay aging, not eliminate wrinkles. Therefore, this product is suitable for use by women from the age of 25 years.

Derma Genesis (DG) has a series of daily care products, among others; To clean (Wash. DG Rp 39,000, - and DG Toner Rp 79,000, -), to care for rejuvenation (DG Eye Contour Cream Rp 155,000, - and Essence Concentrate Rp 155 000, -), and humidity (DG Day Cream SPF 15 Rp 149,000, - and DG Intensive Night Cream Rp 149,000, -). These products will be available on the market in mid-March 2009.
22.09 | 0 komentar | Read More

Inhibit Enzyme Causes of Aging

Everyone will get old. But no one knows what the real cause of aging? Based on research by D. James Morre, professor from Purdue University, the cause of aging is actually the enzyme arNOX.
"The enzyme arNOX is a source of free radicals contained in the cell surface, and the enzyme is a major cause of aging," said Joseph Chang Chief Science Officer Vice President of Nu Skin Enterprise in Jakarta on Tuesday (26 / 5).
To stop aging, Chang continued, need a way to turn off the development of enzyme arNOX. One of them with herbal ingredients such as lily petals. "If you notice, bud lilies never withered, it's content that can be used as an anti-aging. But of course still be added to the mix," said Chang.
To refine the results, anti-aging product made from a mixture of flowers lilies and some other herbs. "We named it ageLOC. With the use of products from herbal ingredients, the results obtained arNOX reduced the amount of enzyme. So that aging can be overcome," he said. Chang explained, because it continues to regenerate facial skin, it should ageLOCK digunakam continuously.

Besides using ageLOC, he also suggested to implement a healthy lifestyle. "The enzyme arNOX will thrive if someone does not implement a healthy lifestyle. The result will be more optimal by eating nutritious food, adequate rest and regular exercise," said Chang.
22.08 | 0 komentar | Read More

Ageless thanks Spa Chocolate

Behind the delicious, chocolate beauty secrets that are not less lucrative. Call it the vitamins A and E are very useful to remove dead skin cells so skin always supple skin like a baby. Pictured, right, what if the effect of chocolate smeared all over your body?

Now there are spas all in one that provides comprehensive care with brown material. Just come to the Chocolate Salon & Spa located at Jalan KH Abdullah Syafei No. 8, Tebet.

As the name implies, this place is dominated by the brown start interior, knick-knacks, and even employees were compact brown uniforms. "We deliberately chose a brown because so far, people only know chocolate as a food. And chocolate is unique, can be used for body care, "said Adam Yogi, PR Chocolate Salon & Spa.

Spa offers all kinds of beauty treatments that use chocolate. "For body treatments, we use local ingredients. As for hair, we directly import, "said 27-year-old man. Cream bath, hair spa, scrubs, masks, until the complete package like the spa can be enjoyed at an affordable price.

If all this body is often approached by various pollution from motor vehicles which make the skin rough and dull, it's time you tried chocolate spa as a solution. "Chocolate contains antioxidants, so he slows down premature aging and blood circulation. With a chocolate body scrub, the skin will not be easily irritated if frequently exposed to hot sun, making it more gently, "explained Adam.

Treatment here is not much time consuming, even can be adjusted with your busy life, from one to 2.5 hours. Once the concoction of chocolate smeared all over the body, a refreshing cool sensation as well as a distinctive fragrance, simply makes you hypnotized. After enjoying the chocolate body scrub and massage from the therapist, clients are welcome to wash your heart with a soak in the bath tub filled with chocolate powder and mineral salts. Finished chocolate bath, fragrant aroma of chocolate stuck to the leather smell all around the room. "Fragrance can last up to three days," said Miranda, a therapist at the Chocolate Salon & Spa. Anyone, so surely will be tempted to kiss her.

Hair care is another thing. According to Adam, chocolate cream bath and hair spa is perfect for experiencing hair bleaching and coloring. "Usually the hair is exposed to chemicals will be more dry, well chocolate can fix the damaged cells. The hair is often dicatok, will also be healthier with chocolate treatments, "explained Adam.

Properties are very useful for beauty, making treatment with this much-loved chocolate. "From mothers to high school kids, all willing to queue to get a spa here, you know!" Said Adam's half pitch. Many properties, it could not hurt to try the spa chocolate as soon as possible. "At least once every two weeks, the skin must be more fresh and youthful," said Adam.
22.06 | 0 komentar | Read More

slowing Aging

Our nature as human beings since the birth parents will be in line with the years of his life. Upon entering the reproductive period, the balance of reproductive hormones in women (estrogen) and male (testosterone) will show signs of secondary sex, that is a sign of beauty in women and courage in men.

After passing through the reproductive period, begin entering the age where the female hormone estrogen starts to decline at age 35 to very low and lost or ended at age 65. This causes a gradual process of aging begin to appear with clinical complaints of disturbing. As in men, testosterone levels begin to decline at age 60 years old.

That was delivered by Prof. Ichramsjah Subpart A Rachman from University of Indonesia Faculty of Medicine, Endocrinology, General Hospital Cipto Mangunkusumo Central Jakarta, in a scientific symposium initiated by the Association of Anti-Aging Medicine, Indonesia, Saturday (18 / 7), at Hotel Sahid Jaya, Jakarta.

The period of aging in women consists of several stages. First, age 35-45 years was a period marked the beginning of aging hormone estrogen decline in the initial complaints and menstrual disorders. Over 45-55 years of age is during perimenopause that consists of the premenopausal, menopausal and post menopausal hormone estrogen increasingly marked down to the lowest point so as not to cause menstrual longer interfere with menopausal symptoms, the physical appearance of the older and the threat of osteoporosis.

Aged over 55-65 years is a period marked the end of aging with clinical complaints of Alzheimer's, atherosclerosis, bone fractures, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disorders, physical appearance of a hunchback and getting older. "It is conceivable state of these old ladies when not given hormone replacement therapy that will enter the geriatric age with problems due to the threat of diseases that accompany old age," he said.

Running fine

To retard the aging process, Chairman of the Association of Anti-Aging Medicine, Indonesia Prof. Yahya Kisyanto explain, we must exercise adjusted for chronological age. Until about age 30 years, we can work out a relatively heavy such as basketball and badminton. Until the age of 50 years, a sport that is like tennis and swimming. Around age 60-80 years, recommended moderate exercise such as walking and golf.

Chairman of the Committee of the National Scientific Symposium and Exhibition Perkapi Prof. Walujo Soerjodibroto SpGK added, efforts to prevent premature aging is not just focused in terms of aesthetics or beauty, but rather about how to keep the functions of the organs in the body has not decreased. "So, the problem of anti-aging medicine involves cross-disciplinary science of medicine," he said.

In women, according to Ichramsjah, disruptive symptoms of menopause can actually be overcome by hormone replacement therapy. Therapy consists of estrogen and natural progesterone can be administered orally, topically and implants to improve the quality of life of elderly women. Although improving quality of life, but giving some kind of hormone replacement therapy also increases the risk of malignancy or cancer.

Ichramsjah explained, giving drosperinone estradiol 1 mg and 2 mg (a new type of progesterone) in menopausal and post menopausal women who started from the age of 49 years combined with calcium 800 mg, gymnastics gymnastics osteoporosis prevention and give a good response to the symptoms of menopause. The combination of pharmacological and non pharmacological therapies that also stabilize your weight, blood pressure, keep skin smooth, and increase bone density.
22.05 | 0 komentar | Read More
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